Sunday, November 12, 2017

Loving the Colouring In with CTC#154

Hello and Welcome to our Sunday Night blog hop where we are CASEING the Catty!!

To CASE is to Copy And Selectively Edit, or to Copy And Share Everything - which is what our group is all about!!  We love to open your eyes to the fantastic inspiration to be found in our Stampin' Up! Catalogues by sharing our interpretations of the great projects featured.  

This week the challenge is to CASE a Colouring Project from any Catalogue.  

Image may contain: 1 person

Well, the timing of this challenge is just PERFECT!!
 I've been playing with our NEW Stampin' Blends and having a totally MARVELLOUS time - and so I've lots of projects to share because I wanted to try out all the colours.  

I was first inspired by this lovely card on page 43 of the holiday catalogue.  I love the look of the vellum and the mugs on the shelf.  

My starting point was the vellum.... and then I remembered that fantastic stained glass technique for colouring, and so I've white embossed my image on the front of the vellum, flipped it over, and then coloured on the reverse to create a softly coloured image. 

I loved the shelf idea, but this image didn't quite suit a shelf, so I've created an easel card inspired by the shelf!!!  I've added the ribbon detail and the greeting at the base of the card to anchor my easel as it stands upright. 

I thought my card was so pretty, I decided to colour lots of the gorgeous Birthday Blooms stamp set and create a sweet set of cards featuring the new Stampin' Blends colours.  


After finishing all those soft images, I then got a bit carried away with more colouring!! And this time I was inspired by the wonderful teapot card on the right of page 166.

The first thing I did was stamp a heap of images from the Color Me Happy stamp set around my greeting from Flourishing Phrases using the Memento Black Ink, and then happily coloured them using whatever I felt like!!
 What a wonderfully therapeutic afternoon of colour!!

After I'd finished the colouring, THEN I decided on the background colour of the cardstock and the coordinating Washi tape colour for the 3 stripe detail behind the images.  





I sincerely hope you are TOTALLY inspired to have a go with our Colouring challenge this week!!  Wait till you see all the other fantastic work from the design team!!  Keep hopping all the way around and be amazed and inspired over and over again!!! 

And please join in the fun and add your project to our fantastic challenge each week on the facebook group.   You can add your photo quickly and easily when you head to the group.  

Until Next Time,
Happy Stamping,
Love Julia   x


  1. Such beautiful projects, Julia, and thank you for sending one of your cards my way this week.

    1. Thank you Rachel. And I hope you have a marvellous birthday.

  2. Wow Julia you have been so busy. Your cards are just beautiful and the colouring is amazing.

    1. Thank you Peta. It's so much fun to play with the new blends!

  3. All your cards look amazing Julia x

  4. Gee you've been busy!! All of your cards look lovely!


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Hello and Welcome to Handmade by Julia Quinn. Today I'm hopping with an awesome bunch of talented Australian crafters who love sharing w...
