Sunday, March 31, 2019

Final Saleabration CASE CTC#222

Hello and Welcome to our Sunday Night Blog Hop and Challenge CASEing the Catty.

To CASE is to Copy And Selectively Edit or to Copy And Share Everything.  Our design team loves to CASE from our Stampin' Up! catalogues. 

No photo description available.

This week is the FINAL CASE for the Sale-a-bration catalogues!!  I hope you had a marvellous time this year with our Sale-a-bration promotion - there were so many GORGEOUS rewards this year - I loved every bit of it!!

I've decided to CASE this card on page 8 of our original Sale-a-bration catalogue.  I've CASED the layout and colours of this super cute card to create a Scrapbook Page.  It's been so long since I've done any scrapping, and I really enjoyed myself!!  I've gone and printed off a bunch of photos ready to do some more pages ..... so watch this space!!!

You can see the layout of the card in my page - but it's been expanded somewhat!!  My base cardstock is Old Olive and I've used some of the divine Floral Romance DSP and my photos for my centrepiece instead of the stamped greeting

Originally I was going to use the Butterfly wooden Elements the same as on the card, but my husband was a bit disgusted with that idea for our favourite camping spot!!!  So, I pulled out the wooden Frames Elements from our Annual Catalogue.  They have been waiting to be used on a project like this!!!  

As per the original CASE, I've coloured the wooden elements using Ink and/or Markers - Old Olive, Pineapple Punch, Mossy Meadow and some Soft Sea Foam.  

Sometimes it's tricky getting started on scrapbooking, but using the layout from the card made the whole process much easier and quicker!!  I hope you can find some amazing inspiration from CASEing our Catty too!!!

Up next is the Lovely Lauren and her Sale-a-bration inspired CASE!!

You are also invited to add your project CASED from our Sale-a-bration catalogues to our facebook challenge page!  We love it when you share your projects with us!!!

Until Next Time,
Happy Stamping,
Love Julia   x 

Frames ElementsFloral Romance 12" X 12" (30.5 X 30.5 Cm) Specialty Designer Series Paper


  1. I always love your scrapbooking pages. I love how you have turned the card layout into a scrapbooking one.

    1. Thankyou Rebecca. Great to have done another page!

  2. I love that your husband was concerned your scrapbook page of your camping spot might look too girly :P I think the greens and wood elements are just perfect. Great to see a scrapbook layout, thanks for sharing this one.

    1. Haha so true Siobhan! Butterflies are a bit girly for him!

  3. Great CASE and great layout Julia. I love the coloured wooden elements, very clever.

    1. Thankyou Peta. They are so easy to colour!

  4. I'll bet the camping is fun! Love the layout but I especially love the scattered wooden leaves, they look great.

    1. Thankyou Liz. It is great camping! And I love the wooden elements!

  5. What a fabulous page! As much as I love butterflies, I have to agree with your hubby on this one! The wooden elements you've chosen look fantastic.

    1. THank you Tina - yes, he is a wise man!!!

  6. What a fabulous page, Julia and great CASE. Love all the extra details and embellishments you've added. Not girly at all!


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Blue Mushrooms CI#181

Hello and Welcome to Handmade by Julia Quinn. Tonight I'm joining in with the Colour INKspiration crew and our awesome colour combinatio...
