Saturday, April 27, 2024

Would you like to learn more Fantastic Fun Folds?

Hello and Welcome to Handmade by Julia Quinn.

I have something exciting to share with you.  I'm part of a group of amazing crafty cardmakers who love doing Fun Fold cards, and we create a different Fun Fold every month.  We create a monthly PDF tutorial of each of the folds, which includes detailed instructions of how to make the card.  all measurements are in metric and imperial.  There are also 12 different card samples of that fold each month, to give you inspiration for different ways to use the design.  Each sample has also got a list of supplies used to make it.  You can create the card as it is, or change the colours, or take aspects from each sample to create your own design depending on the supplies you already have.  

The photo below is of all the folds that we did for the 2023 – 2024 catalogue year. These are my samples of the different tutorials.

Here are ALL the folds we did for the 2023 to 2024 Stampin' Up! catalogue year.  These are my samples of all the folds from all the different tutorials.  

The cost of an Annual Subscription is $30.  None of the folds we have created previously are going to be repeated this year.  If you want last year's tutorials, they are still available.  

I have a special deal for you - Subscirbe this year, and add on last year for only $55.00.


place your subscription for this year AND add on the last 2 years for a total of $80.00  That's 24 different fun folds, and all of the folds we do this year that you receive into your inbox at the start of every month.  

Contact me HERE to subscribe for the offer of your choice.  

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Have you ever used a sketch to get you started creating?

Hello and Welcome to Handmade by Julia Quinn. Today I'm hopping with an awesome bunch of talented Australian crafters who love sharing w...
